About Me

I am a wanderer but an accidental one, at least coming down this low was unintentional. I was only supposed to get married or to do this first, but I will make the most of my situation to do my job to lead others to their chosen fates. The main job I observe is "fate farming," people will choose their fate through their actions; I must respect their choices 100% and help them along the way. In the past i dealt with bad people only, this was because of having a family consisting entirely of narcissts as well as living isolated in a field, i was too harmed by this to be able to get to know anyone. When i first became conscious of what i was doing (what i call fate farming now), i called it "sending people to hell." Mostly it is just behaving in a way where someone must bear the karmic consequences of what they do 100%. (more on this but generally humans are tricked into being accomplices to their abuses so they can't do waht i do).

My fun "hobby" view of fate farming today is "recruiting people for the next world." I'm talking about where postive aligned spirits will go when the earth becomes 4th density. Now i don't really get to pick who goes, it's based on what they become before the last call, but I am biased towards not giving up your creator-self and joining us all on the path to the one together. I Enjoy having an incredible bias to lead people to the creator instead of away from it. I want you to grow to become one of us and join us.

Counter Crusade, refers to how this planet is under a very long crusade and occuption, so what i'm doing is counter to attacks underway for the entire history of humanity. Normally my kind cannot violate free will but as i am incarnate and thus subject to the law of confusion, i'm much more free to act and be biased if i choose. My "counter crusade" is just application of my bias which is against the foreign control system of this planet.