Just will it. I spent most of my life and most of the time being greenpilled as crippled by an infection, it blocked most of my abilities in my head. In this time i learned to use willpower directly and it was my main technique to change my life. To be aware of your will and what you're doing/seeking is powerful. It doesn't require rituals, though rituals are a way to set your will.
When you eat what is your intent? Are you just enjoying the moment, lost? are you consciously aware of nourishing yoruself so you may fulfill your purpose? When you search for soemthing are you enumerating locations to look or do you have the intent to find it?
Willpower is the most godly power, it is because you are the creator (with the rest of us), that you can alter your reality with just willpower.
I ask of you to be aware of what you intend, what are you doing and why.